Cem-Implant combines quality of modern resin cement, with retrievability and force absorption to prevent loosening of the abutment screws – why do both patients and clinicians depend on it?

So, you’ve gone through the long, arduous process of getting a dental implant only to land back at the dentist’s office no later than a fortnight. Why? That shiny new tooth you got decided that it’s time to wobble around your gums. It sounds like a nightmare because it is. But, what do you know, you’re just the patient, as far as your concerned doc’s giving you a new tooth and that’s where it ends. At least its where it should have. Dental implant abutments are held in place with screws, which under normal occlusal forces can often loosen. That was the reason behind the madness, and before Cem-Implant it happened a lot, and in order to get the job done, dentist had to wing it!

“Are We Allowed to Improvise?”

In the absence of Cem-Implant, dentists were often forced to improvise. In the process they defied instructions of usage issued by manufacturers. It’s kind of shocking on its face. You would think modern doctors don’t need to make it up as they got, but they were forced to if they wanted to get the job done. The permanent resin cements were too rigid, so doctors would often mix lubricants like Vaseline into them before cementation. Temporary cements available, barely held the crown in place and patients would arrive at the doctor’s door, often with the crown in their hand. Sounds like the right way to work right? Obviously, it wasn’t, and yes, it's almost shocking that it went on like this for so long. But there wasn’t many choice to it. There was no product on the market that had the firmness of a permanent cement and the flexibility of temporary cement. BJM put a stop to the madness.


The dental industry’s new best friend. BJM’s Cem-Implant uses resin’s advantage to secure a crown or bridge to the abutment. Yes, like any good product there are similar implant cements on the market, but Cem-Implant is unique. It does not just act to lock in the restoration. More importantly it behaves like a shock absorber, to reduce physical strain on the screws. Fun right! If you are a dentist, it must have been a great day in the clinic when you first got your hands on one of these bad boys. Dr. Barry Zalsman, General Manager of BJM, points out that BJM strives to put in the hands of clinicians advanced and trustable materials. Cem-Implant was born out of the same principle. “We at BJM created the world's first implant cement that's elastic and not rigid. That was out of the box thinking, a game changer and a true novelty. Cem-Implant is a cement that secures the crown to the implant abutment, but still allows for retrievability if needed", Dr. Zalsman said.

Longevity for the Masses

And that it did! Dentists often look for implant cements that will make it possible for them to remove the restoration if necessary. Patients on the other hand expect their crowns to stay put indefinitely. Before Cem-Implant, the problem with permanent cements was that they did not give clinicians the possibility to remove the crown from the implant without cutting it off. With Cem-Implant longevity is back in the hands of the patients, and life became just a bit more barrable for the clinicians out there.